Privacy Policy

SAPPF Privacy Policy
This Privacy Policy is edited by SAPPF, having its registered office at Unit 16 Northcliff Office Park, 203 Beyers Naude Drive, Northcliff 2195 and registered with the Company’s Registrar of South Africa under the Companies Act of South Africa (hereafter, the “Data Controller”).
The Responsible Party offers an online communications platform (hereafter, the “Platform”) to its users which have subscribed on the Platform and as such have a user account (hereafter, the “Users”). The Platform is available at the following url address []
The Responsible Party uses a solution called “Annotations Micro Systems”, which enables the import and export of user lists and data, the management of content and events, the organization of emailing campaigns and opportunity research and sharing as well as the management of funds and contributions of any kind.
In this regard, the Responsible Party collects and processes User’s personal data in accordance with the Privacy and Cookie policy.
The Responsible Party is particularly aware and sensitive with regards to the respect of its Users privacy and personal data protection. The Responsible Party commits to ensure the compliance of the processing it carries out as Responsible Party in accordance with the POPIA.
POPIA is the applicable national data protection law of South Africa.
The Responsible Party has put in place an appropriate privacy and cookie policy to be fully transparent on how the personal data of Users are processed within the use of the Platform and services provided.
This privacy policy is intended for the Users of the Platform of the Data Controller.
The Responsible Party has appointed an Information Officer (hereinafter “IO”) you may contact at the following address:
The Responsible Party has designated a representative: Carl Bouwer –

Date of last update: [04/07/2024].


1.1 When subscribing on the Platform
When subscribing to the Platform, the User is informed that its following personal data is collected for the purpose of creating a user account:
Mandatory data
- First name ;
- Last name ;
- Email address;
- Mobile Number
- ID Number
- HPCSSA Registration Number
- Postal Address
- Physical Address
- Date of Birth
Optional data:
- Special Interests, Profession, ABSA Terminal Number
- Information regarding university education, professional experience and Resume – if applicable.

The User is informed that it is not possible to access the Platform without providing the mandatory data strictly necessary to create an account and authenticate the User.

1.2 During the use of the Platform
The User may validly publish, at its own initiative, any content on the Platform which shall be kept by the Company:
The User is aware that when using the Platform, the User may decide to provide « sensitive data » within the meaning of the POPIA, for example, data revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, concerning sexual orientation, etc. By providing such sensitive data, the User agrees to their processing by the Platform in the conditions set forth in this Privacy Policy.
The Responsible Party and its subcontractors process personal data that are freely transferred by the User when accessing the services proposed by the Platform for the following purpose:

Creation and management of a user account;
Providing the User with all functionalities of the Platform, meaning:
● Sending invitations for events organized by Responsible Party or other Users, if the User has accepted to receive such invitations;
● Sending offers job opportunities] from the Responsible Party or its partners if the User has accepted to receive such offers.
● Invite the User to events organized by the Platform
Management of data subjects rights according to the POPIA
Storage of User personal data;
If applicable:
● Sending email prospect campaigns in the Name of SAPPF and/or its commercial partners
● Sending newsletters in the Name of SAPPF and/or its commercial partners
Making statistics in order:
● to improve the quality of the services proposed by the Platform;
● improve the usage functionalities of the Platform;
Making statistics regarding the effective use of the Platform;
Making statistics regarding the different levels of activity on the Platform.
Enable the synchronization of the User’s LinkedIn profile;

The Responsible Party informs the User that the personal data related to the User Account is retained only during the length of the User’s subscription on the Platform.
Following the termination of said subscription, the data collected upon the subscription as well as the content published by the User on the Platform shall be deleted after a period of two (2) years.

The Users’ data are stored in the South Africa by the Data Controller, and its trusted service providers. However, depending on the processing, the Users’ data may also be transferred in a country outside the South Africa, to our trusted service providers.
When transferring data outside South Africa, the Responsible Party ensures that the data are transferred in a secured manner and with respect to the POPIA. When the country where the data are transferred does not have a protection comparable to that of the POPIA the Responsible Party uses “appropriate or suitable safeguards”.
When the service providers to whom personal data are transferred, are located in the United States, these transfers are governed by the POPIA.

The Responsible Party commits to process User’s personal data in compliance the POPIA and undertake to, notably, respect the following principles:
- Process User’s personal data lawfully, fairly, and in a transparent manner;
- Only collect and process the Users’ data for the strict purpose as described under article 2 of the present privacy policy;
- Ensure that the personal data processed are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
- Do the best efforts to ensure that the personal data processed are accurate and, if necessary, kept up to date and take all reasonable steps to ensure that personal data that are inaccurate, having regard to the purposes for which they are processed, are erased or rectified without delay;
- Keep personal User’s data for no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed;
- Put in place all necessary technical and organizational appropriate measures in order to ensure the security, confidentiality, integrity, availability and the resilience of the process systems and services;
- Limit the access to the Users’ data to the persons duly authorized to this effect;
- Guarantee to the Users their rights under the POPIA in relation to the processing of their data and make the best efforts to satisfy any request, where this is possible.

The User is duly informed that it disposes at any time, depending on the legal basis of the processing, a right to access, to rectification, to withdraw consent to process, and to object.
When processing is based on User’s consent, the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal.
The User can exercise its rights by sending an email to the following address provided that the User justifies his/her identity.
In addition, in the event the User considers that its rights have not been respected, the User of which the personal data is collected can lodge a complaint before the competent supervisory authority. For any additional information, you can review your rights on the websites of the competent authorities.
The competent supervisory authorities are listed on the following website:
The Responsible Party informs the User that Annotations Micro Systems, as well as its subcontractors, uses a tracking technology on its terminal such as cookies whenever the User navigates on the Platform subject to the conditions described in the Responsible Party Cookie Policy.


Only authorized persons working for the Responsible Party [and, in some cases, its subsidiaries], can access your personal data. The Responsible Party makes its best effort to ensure that these groups of people remain as small as possible and maintain the confidentiality and security of User’s personal data.
The Responsible Party also uses trusted service providers to carry out a set of operations on his behalf for hosting. The Responsible Party can also use service providers in the tech industry, editors of specific tools integrated in the Platform for technical purposes.
The Responsible Party only provides service providers with the information they need to perform the service and ask them not to use your personal data for any other purpose. The Responsible Party does his best to ensure that all these trusted service providers only process the personal data on our documented instructions and provide sufficient guarantees, in particular in terms of confidentiality, expert knowledge, reliability and resources, to implement technical and organizational measures which will meet the requirements of the applicable legislation, including for the security of processing.

The Responsible Party may be required to disclose or share your personal data to comply with a legal obligation, or to enforce or apply our terms of use/sale or any other conditions you have accepted; or to protect the rights, safety or property of SAPPF, its customers or employees.

List of the main service providers:

Annotations Micro Systems
View Office Park,
180 Girdwood Ave,
Randburg, 2154

Health Management and Networking Services (Pty) Ltd
Unit 16 Northcliff Office Park
203 Beyers Naude Drive
Randburg, 2195